Daily Schedule

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All Events occur in Eastern Time.
Sunday, May 5, 2024
8:00 AM — 9:30 AM
This session kicks off the ARRS Annual Meeting with a presentation of awards including the ARRS Gold Medal, which is the society’s highest honor bestowed for distinguished service to radiology. Member business will be conducted including a vote on proposed bylaw changes, installation of the 2024-25 ARRS President, and concluding with the Presidential Address.
9:30 AM — 10:30 AM
Enjoy a complimentary beverage in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
10:00 AM — 12:00 PM
This panel discussion will examine the factors that influence a well and safe day at work, and a well day of teamwork. Participants will gain an understanding of the impact of workload, the physical work environment, relational climate, and work"flow" on wellbeing.

L. Azour  Defining a Well Day at Work
R. Sze (2000 ARRS Scholar)  Defining a Well Day at Work
T. Catanzano (2005 Figley Fellow)  Defining a Well Day at Work
E. Smith  Defining a Well Day at Work
L. Yoon  Defining a Well Day at Work
L. Belfi  Defining a Well Day at Work
L. Azour, R. Sze (2000 ARRS Scholar), T. Catanzano (2005 Figley Fellow), E. Smith, L. Yoon, L. Belfi
Subcodes: HP, OT, QI, GN
Credits: 2 CME
This session provides AJR authors, reviewers, and readers with an overview of the journal today. The session will highlight key aspects of journal peer review and production processes, as well as social and digital media initiatives. Focused attention will be provided on writing an Original Research study, a Review of Clinical Perspective article, and an article for the Policy, Quality, and Practice Management section.

A. Rosenkrantz (2017 Berlin Scholar, 2014 Figley Fellow)  AJR: Inner Workings
H. Jacene  Writing an AJR Original Research Study
C. Zamora  Writing an AJR Review or Clinical Perspective Article
A. Rosenkrantz (2017 Berlin Scholar, 2014 Figley Fellow)  Writing an AJR Policy, Quality, and Practice Management Article
A. Rosenkrantz (2017 Berlin Scholar, 2014 Figley Fellow), H. Jacene, C. Zamora
Subcodes: ED
Credits: 2 CME
In this ARRS Global Partner Session, featuring the British Institute of Radiology, speakers will review current practice standards for screening lung and female breast cancer in the UK and USA. Speakers will also address the common and comparative techniques and challenges of maintaining an effective screening program.

S. Keevil  Session Moderator
A. Qayyum  Session Moderator
B. Niell  Breast Cancer Screening in the US: Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities
R. Munden  Lung Cancer Screening in the USA: A Decade After the NLST, Where are We Now?
M. Michell  Breast Cancer Screening in the UK: The Anatomy of a Successful Screening
N. Screaton  Lung Cancer Screening Implementation in the UK
S. Keevil, A. Qayyum, B. Niell, R. Munden, M. Michell, N. Screaton
Subcodes: BR, CH, HP
Credits: 2 CME
This course will discuss four emerging technologies with a critical eye towards how they may be helpful and how they may be mostly hype. The focus will be on technologies that are available (or almost available) as clinical products: Machine-learning based image reconstruction; abbreviated/focused MRI; quantitative imaging biomarkers; and photon counting CT. Discussion of these topics could assist radiologists with purchase decisions in their practice as well as helping to focus continuing education efforts on technology that is most likely to be of value.

J. Leyendecker  Session Moderator
B. Dane  Photon Counting CT
J. Yu  Quantitative MRI
C. Hong  Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction
A. Field  Abbreviated/Focused MRI
J. Leyendecker, B. Dane, J. Yu, C. Hong, A. Field
Subcodes: GN, MR, CT, AI
Credits: 2 CME
With the shortage of radiologists due to increasing volumes and earlier retirements, many are being placed into positions of leadership earlier in their career. The ability to negotiate and understand contracts is now more important than ever. This ARRS-AAWR session will provide participants at all career levels with tips, skills, and strategies for becoming a leader, negotiating contracts and clinical expectations, and working together to ensure gender parity in the workplace.

A. Patel  Learning to Lead: An Early Career Perspective
P. Slanetz (1999 Figley Fellow)  Learning to Lead: A Mid to Late Career Perspective
A. Kaye  The Art of Negotiation: Part I
G. McGinty  The Art of Negotiation: Part 2
A. Patel, P. Slanetz (1999 Figley Fellow), A. Kaye, G. McGinty
Subcodes: OT
Credits: 2 CME
This instructional hands-on course is a treasure trove of knowledge and insights that will transform your practice! Our expert faculty will guide participants through the most recent advances in stereotactic-guided breast biopsy. The program delves into the intricacies of the procedure, examines challenging cases, and empowers practitioners with the skills to handle even the most challenging biopsies. Participants will acquire invaluable knowledge regarding biopsy indications, lesion characteristics, and modern techniques, and will learn to deftly navigate difficult scenarios.

T. Moseley  Ready, Set, Stereotactic-Guided Breast Biopsies!
B. Adrada  Introduction to Stereotactic-Guided Breast Biopsies and Audits
H. Ojeda-Fournier  Rapid Case Fire - Stereotactic-Guided Breast Biopsies
M. Guirguis  Challenging Cases and Troubleshooting - Stereotactic-Guided Breast Biopsies
T. Moseley, B. Adrada, H. Ojeda-Fournier, M. Guirguis
Subcodes: BR, BI
Credits: 2 CME
12:00 PM — 1:00 PM
Join PeerView for “Bridging the Gap to Improved Outcomes in Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis: Ensuring Prompt Diagnosis Through Accurate Interpretation of CT Imaging”—a discussion on the importance of early and accurate diagnosis of this chronic pulmonary disease. Complimentary lunch provided by ARRS for up to 200 in-person registrants in Boston. https://www.peerview.com/NCFBE24-Live
Enjoy a complimentary lunch in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
1:00 PM — 3:00 PM
Multiple peer-reviewed studies have consistently demonstrated a high prevalence of radiologist burnout. Burnout has been linked with adverse patient outcomes and physician turnover. In this session, practical strategies and solutions to improve radiologist workflow, including use of AI, are described.

J. Parikh  Is radiologist burnout a problem?
T. Cook  Panel: Improving radiologist workflow and efficiencies to drive wellness
W. Moore  Panel: Improving radiologist workflow and efficiencies to drive wellness
M. Davis  Panel: Improving radiologist workflow and efficiencies to drive wellness
L. Burke  Panel: Improving radiologist workflow and efficiencies to drive wellness
N. Galante  Panel: Improving radiologist workflow and efficiencies to drive wellness
J. Parikh, T. Cook, W. Moore, M. Davis, L. Burke, N. Galante
Subcodes: GN, HP, SO
Credits: 2 CME
This course will review and reinforce the appropriate indications for breast cryoablation as well as the skills and techniques required for successful breast cryoablation.

K. Tomkovich  Breast Cryoablation Literature Review and Update of Current Trials
R. Ward  Building a Successful Breast Cryoablation Practice
L. Santiago  Breast Cryoablation: The Basics
D. Lane  Post-Cryoablation Imaging Algorithm and Imaging Findings
M. Huang  Cryoablation in Advanced Breast Cancer: Pushing the Envelope
L. Chang Sen  Cryoablation and Immunotherapy: What Radiologists Need to Know
K. Tomkovich, R. Ward, L. Santiago, D. Lane, M. Huang, L. Chang Sen
Subcodes: BR, VI
Credits: 2 CME
Challenging unknown thoracic imaging cases are common every day in both private and academic practice settings. This course will provide a succinct overview of challenging cases in thoracic imaging, covering multiple disease categories, in an audience interactive setting, highlighting different techniques and search patterns that can be used to approach such cases.

M. Parker  Challenging Cases in Thoracic Imaging: Unknown Film Panel Session
T. Bang  Challenging Cases in Thoracic Imaging: Unknown Film Panel Session
M. Martin  Challenging Cases in Thoracic Imaging: Unknown Film Panel Session
V. Arteaga  Challenging Cases in Thoracic Imaging: Unknown Film Panel Session
J. Gruden  Challenging Cases in Thoracic Imaging: Unknown Film Panel Session
D. Naeger  Challenging Cases in Thoracic Imaging: Unknown Film Panel Session
M. Parker, T. Bang, M. Martin, V. Arteaga, J. Gruden, D. Naeger
Subcodes: CH
Credits: 2 CME
High-resolution MR imaging of wrist, fingers, ankle, toes, and elbow joints have received less attention in literature and with routine use of 2D and 3D MR imaging, tissue structures of these small joints and their pathology are delineated in superior details and contrast with improved diagnosis. This session will feature speakers from different tertiary care institutions, experienced in medium and small joint MRI and 3D MRIs.

M. Bredella  MRI of Elbow
A. Taneja  MRI of Wrist Joint
A. Chhabra  MRI of Hand and Fingers
J. Bencardino  MRI of Small Muscles
M. Jardon  MRI of Ankle
F. Duarte Silva  MRI of Toes
M. Bredella, A. Taneja, A. Chhabra, J. Bencardino, M. Jardon, F. Duarte Silva
Subcodes: MK, PH, GN
Credits: 2 CME
This course will provide an introduction to financial topics relevant to both trainees and practicing radiologists to increase their financial literacy, make more informed decisions and achieve financial independence. Faculty will guide trainees with the transition, help early career radiologists with debt management and experienced radiologists with wealth management and retirement planning.

C. Lee  Introduction
C. Walker  Building Good Financial Habits
E. Maloney  Keys to Future Success for Early Career Radiologists
C. Lee  Achieving Financial Independence
S. Chan  Planning for Retirement
C. Lee, C. Walker, E. Maloney, S. Chan
Subcodes: OT, SO, ED
Credits: 2 CME
New technologies, an unprecedented shortage of radiologists, and a dramatic increase in imaging volume have challenged traditional radiology workforce models. This symposium will explore the current and future trends shaping the practice of radiology and the radiology workforce.

R. Munden  Understanding the Forces Driving Changes in the Radiology Workforce
C. Wiggins  What the CEO of a Private Equity Radiology Group Wants
M. Succi  ChatGPT and Radiology
K. Dickey  What Does VIR Practice Look Like in the Future?
R. Drosten  What Does Radiology Practice Look Like in the Future?
R. Munden, C. Wiggins, M. Succi, K. Dickey, R. Drosten
Subcodes: GN
Credits: 2 CME
3:00 PM — 3:30 PM
Enjoy a complimentary beverage in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
3:30 PM — 4:30 PM
F. Baffour (2024 Figley Fellow)  RYR Part 1
H. Ko (2024 Rogers Fellow)  RYR Part 2
F. Baffour (2024 Figley Fellow), H. Ko (2024 Rogers Fellow)
Subcodes: GN, ED
Credits: 1 CME
3:30 PM — 5:30 PM
B. Siewert (2013 Berlin Scholar)  Leadership practices fostering wellness and reducing moral distress
B. Brown (2018 Berlin Scholar)  Leadership practices fostering wellness and reducing moral distress
C. Glastonbury  Leadership practices fostering wellness and reducing moral distress
D. Fessell  Leadership practices fostering wellness and reducing moral distress
E. Snyder  Leadership Practices Fostering Wellness and Reducing Moral Distress
J. Kruskal  Leadership practices fostering wellness and reducing moral distress
B. Siewert (2013 Berlin Scholar), B. Brown (2018 Berlin Scholar), C. Glastonbury, D. Fessell, E. Snyder, J. Kruskal
Subcodes: GN, HP, SO
Credits: 2 CME
Artificial intelligence and machine learning-based approaches for increasing clinical efficiency and productivity represent the new hot topics for MSK radiology, whether it relates to image sorting, fracture detection, bone age determination, osteoarthrosis grading, or automated hip or leg-length measurements, and fast MR imaging. The session will focus on use case scenarios of such approaches for a practicing radiologist.

A. Guermazi  Automated Extremity Fracture Detection
M. Recht  Fast MRI Scanning Using AI
O. Ashikyan  AI for Fracture Detection
N. Subhas  AI in Clinical Practice: Does it Increase Efficiency or Add More Work?
R. Boutin  AI-Based Muscle Segmentation and Clinical Use-Case Scenario
A. Chhabra  Automated Lower Limb Measurements and NLP for MSK Report Sorting and Data Mining
A. Guermazi, M. Recht, O. Ashikyan, N. Subhas, R. Boutin, A. Chhabra
Subcodes: MK, AI
Credits: 2 CME
The presenters will guide participants through challenging cases in genitourinary images. Via these cases, the presenters will review pitfalls that are encountered during interpretation and how to avoid them, referencing recent changes in the literature and guidelines.

M. Taffel  Adrenal Gland
E. Remer  Renal
L. Luk  Urothelium
A. Tong  Female Pelvis
S. Verma  Prostate
M. Taffel, E. Remer, L. Luk, A. Tong, S. Verma
Subcodes: GU
Credits: 2 CME
Many quality/process improvement projects do not see the expected results in improved throughput and volume. The Theory of Constraints is a practical approach to identifying rate limiting steps and optimizing the throughput. This course will focus on how to identify rate-limiting steps and simple tools you can utilize to improve throughput through a rate limiting step.

D. Sirias  Recognizing Constraints/Rate Limiting Steps in Radiology Workflow
J. Rawson  Using Buffers in CT, US and MRI to Improve Throughput
O. Brook  Finding the Constraint and Improving IR Workflow
D. Smetherman  Constraints in Physician Workflow
D. Sirias, J. Rawson, O. Brook, D. Smetherman
Subcodes: QI
Credits: 2 CME
Theranostics integrates imaging and therapy and fits nuclear medicine perfectly. This session will provide an overview of the fundamentals of theranostics, describe the critical role of nuclear medicine for the initiation and management of therapy for neurodegenerative disease, and detail the unique role of nuclear medicine in imaging and treatment of oncology. The session will conclude with a practicum for launching a theranostics program.

P. Kuo  Our Theranostic Role in the Treatment of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
D. Yoo  Overview of Theranostics in Oncology
M. Zeman  Theranostics for Somatostatin-Receptor Positive Tumors- Neuroendocrine and More!
C. Wright  Theranostic Paradigm of PSMA-Targeted PET and Therapy of Prostate Cancer
K. Zukotynski  Fibroblast Activation Protein and Other Emerging Targets for Theranostics
T. Wong  Practicum for Launching a Successful Theranostics Practice
P. Kuo, D. Yoo, M. Zeman, C. Wright, K. Zukotynski, T. Wong
Subcodes: NM, MI, PT, PS
Credits: 2 CME
Monday, May 6, 2024
7:00 AM — 8:00 AM
Y. Ng  Artificial Intelligence
Y. Ng
Subcodes: AI
Credits: 1 CME
J. Leung (2004 ARRS Scholar)  Breast Imaging
J. Leung (2004 ARRS Scholar)
Subcodes: BR
Credits: 1 CME
R. Madan  Roentgen's Key Case Challenge Case Presentations Session 1
R. Madan
Subcodes: CH, CA, ER, BR
Credits: 1 CME
7:30 AM — 9:30 AM
T. Moseley  Neuroradiology, Head/Neck, and Breast Imaging
S. Chou (2017 ARRS Scholar)  Artificial Intelligence in Breast Imaging
T. Moseley, S. Chou (2017 ARRS Scholar)
Subcodes: NR, BR
Credits: 2 CME
8:30 AM — 10:00 AM
This course will discuss the considerations of, and barriers to, implementation of new technologies and techniques into practice. Presentations will focus on artificial intelligence, abbreviated breast MRI, and contrast enhanced mammography.

M. Bahl  Artificial Intelligence for Breast Imaging
H. Marshall  Abbreviated Breast MRI
B. Patel  Contrast Enhanced Mammography
M. Bahl, H. Marshall, B. Patel
Subcodes: GI, AI, MR, DM
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review use of MRI in evaluation of GYN malignancies, the O-RADS system, and differentiation of uterine leiomyoma from sarcoma.

R. Marks  Gynecological MRI for Malignant Diseases
A. Tong  O-RADS Primer
V. Paroder  Is it a Myoma or a Sarcoma?
R. Marks, A. Tong, V. Paroder
Subcodes: GU, MR, OB
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will review commonly encountered challenges when reading knee MRI. Topics will focus on commonly missed or misdiagnosed pathology in the menisci, ligaments and other structures in the preoperative setting. Postoperative imaging will not be discussed.

C. Chang  Challenging Meniscal Cases
H. Allen  Challenging Ligament Cases
A. Petrides  Other Challenging Knee Cases
C. Chang, H. Allen, A. Petrides
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will focus on the normal appearance and common complications related to cardiac pre-operative imaging, procedures and devices.

J. Lichtenberger  Cardiac Tumors
T. McLaren  Imaging Considerations in TAVR
K. Kallianos  Left Atrial Evaluation
J. Lichtenberger, T. McLaren, K. Kallianos
Subcodes: CA, CT, MR, OT
Credits: 1.5 CME
S. Pruthi  Pediatric Imaging
D. Frush  Imaging of the Acute Abdomen
J. Courtier  Top Pediatric Thyroid Masses
S. Pruthi, D. Frush, J. Courtier
Subcodes: PD
Credits: 1.5 CME
C. Wu  Introduction
J. Eng  Statistical Pitfalls
M. Lu (2015 ARRS Scholar)  Tips for Getting Your First Grant
R. Carlos  Introduction to Health Disparities Research
A. Rosenkrantz (2017 Berlin Scholar, 2014 Figley Fellow)  Tips for Scientific Writing
M. Succi  Harness the Power of ChatGPT for Research and Innovation in Radiology
C. Wu, J. Eng, M. Lu (2015 ARRS Scholar), R. Carlos, A. Rosenkrantz (2017 Berlin Scholar, 2014 Figley Fellow), M. Succi
Subcodes: ED
Credits: 1.5 CME
9:30 AM — 10:30 AM
Enjoy a complimentary beverage in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
10:30 AM — 12:00 PM
Presentations in this course will review the key findings and potential complications to include in postoperative reports.

R. Lobo  Postoperative Sinus Imaging
A. Grayev  Postoperative Spine Imaging
K. Baugnon  Postoperative Neck Imaging
H. Tames  Postoperative Temporal Bone Imaging
R. Lobo, A. Grayev, K. Baugnon, H. Tames
Subcodes: NR, CT, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This multi-disciplinary session with nuclear medicine and medical oncology is intended for those interested in clinical issues surrounding administration of nuclear medicine therapies. Examples of clinical issues include how to assess/treat toxicities and assess performance status. With a focus on the patient, we also discuss methods to improve anxiety and comfort.

T. Bartel  Tools to Improve Patient Anxiety and Comfort During Imaging or Therapy
E. Cohen-Major  Taking Ownership of Clinical Issues Associated with Nuclear Medicine Therapies
X. Gao  Oncologist Viewpoint: Clinical Management of Advanced Prostate Cancer
T. Bartel, E. Cohen-Major, X. Gao
Subcodes: MI, PS, PT
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will explore trauma imaging of the head and chest.

M. Bernstein  Imaging Maxillofacial Trauma: Saving Face
D. Gunda  Temporal Bone Trauma
S. Steenburg  Aortic Trauma
K. Archer-Arroyo  Chest Wall Trauma
M. Bernstein, D. Gunda, S. Steenburg, K. Archer-Arroyo
Subcodes: ER
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will cover yield topics in chest imaging.

G. Shroff  TNM Lung Cancer Staging
M. Price  Mediastinal Masses
S. Kim  Holes in the Lungs
C. Rojas  Interstitial Lung Disease
G. Shroff  Lung Cancer Surgery
G. Shroff, M. Price, S. Kim, C. Rojas
Subcodes: CH
Credits: 1.5 CME
M. Durand  Breast Imaging: AI and Multi-Modality Outcome Predictions
T. Moseley  Breast Imaging: AI and Multi-Modality Outcome Predictions
B. Reig  Radiomics and Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Risk Assessment
M. Bahl  Artificial Intelligence in Real-World Clinical Practice
M. Durand, T. Moseley, B. Reig, M. Bahl
Subcodes: BR
Credits: 1.5 CME
V. Planz  Gastrointestinal Imaging: Hepatopancreatobiliary
A. Kambadakone-Ramesh  Gastrointestinal Imaging: Hepatopancreatobiliary
F. Miller (2002 Figley Fellow)  Pancreatic Cancer and Mimics
A. Zaheer  Screening in Pancreas Cancer
V. Planz, A. Kambadakone-Ramesh, F. Miller (2002 Figley Fellow), A. Zaheer
Subcodes: GI
Credits: 1.5 CME
12:00 PM — 1:00 PM
Enjoy a complimentary lunch in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
1:30 PM — 3:00 PM
This session will provide up-to-date imaging review of pediatric brain and spine disorders.

J. Cheon  Pediatric Brain Inborn Error of Metabolism Made Easy
S. Pruthi  Pediatric Spinal Anomalies and Abnormalities for General Radiologists
J. Cheon, S. Pruthi
Subcodes: PD, NR, CT, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will focus on changing paradigms in the delivery of breast imaging services, including performance of online screening mammogram interpretation, same-day biopsies, and remote diagnostic imaging, as well as utilization of patient navigators and non-physician providers in the breast imaging center.

B. Dontchos  Screening Mammography: Offline vs Online Interpretation
S. Yoon  Same-Day Biopsies: Effect on Patient Satisfaction and Reducing Barriers to Care
V. Loving  Remote Diagnostic Imaging: Benefits and Limitations
D. Ataya  Role of Patient Navigators/Non-Physician Providers in the Breast Imaging Center
B. Dontchos, S. Yoon, V. Loving, D. Ataya
Subcodes: BR, DM, BI
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will broadly address the motivation to pursue Quality and Safety in Radiology.

M. Bruno  Introduction
F. Lexa  The Business Case for Quality
R. Gunderman (2011 Berlin Scholar)  The Human Side of Quality
M. Bruno, F. Lexa, R. Gunderman (2011 Berlin Scholar)
Subcodes: QI, PS, HP, SO
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will review the imaging appearance of musculoskeletal infections and image guided interventions to treat musculoskeletal infections involving the bone, soft tissue and spine and the recommended terminology to describe these entities.

E. Alaia  Osteomyelitis: What Do I Say?
W. Morrison  Soft Tissue Infection: What Do I Say?
C. Simpfendorfer  Spine Infections: What Do I Say?
H. Rosas  Interventions for Musculoskeletal Infections: What Do I Do?
E. Alaia, W. Morrison, C. Simpfendorfer, H. Rosas
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
In this session, presentations will review common intracranial tumors in adult and pediatric populations and the evaluation of treatment response.

J. Ormsby  Adult Brain Tumors
E. Weidman  Pediatric Brain Tumors
B. Weinberg  Posttreatment Evaluation: BT-RADS
J. Ormsby, E. Weidman, B. Weinberg
Subcodes: NR, PD, MR, RO
Credits: 1.5 CME
M. Sugi  Update on Pancreatic Lesions
S. Wang  Rectal, Anal, and Perineal Diseases
K. Shampain  Esophagus and Stomach on Fluoroscopy
J. Revels  Small Bowel and Large Bowel on Fluoroscopy
S. Wang  Rectal Cancer
M. Sugi, S. Wang, K. Shampain, J. Revels
Subcodes: GI, ED, RF
Credits: 1.5 CME
L. Rezai  Lead, Catheter, Implant: How Radiology Bolsters Cardiac Electrophysiology
R. Hossain  Cardiac Imaging
K. Hanneman  Sustainability and Cardiac Imaging
L. Rezai, R. Hossain, K. Hanneman
Subcodes: CA
Credits: 1.5 CME
3:00 PM — 3:30 PM
Enjoy a complimentary beverage in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
3:30 PM — 5:00 PM
Luminaries in chest imaging, all past presidents of the Society of Thoracic Radiology, present great case interpretations they have seen in their practices.

J. Klein  Great Cardiothoracic Interpretations from My Practice Pt. 1
C. Chiles  Great Cardiothoracic Interpretations from my Practice Pt. 2
M. Rosado De Christenson  Great Cardiothoracic Interpretations from My Practice Pt. 3
J. Klein, C. Chiles, M. Rosado De Christenson
Subcodes: CH, CT
Credits: 1.5 CME
Updates on transarterial therapies, ablation and adjunctive procedures, including portal vein embolization and biliary stenting will be discussed in this course.

E. Knavel  Hepatic IO Updates: Ablation
C. Bailey  Hepatic IO Updates: Transarterial Therapies
J. Swietlik  Hepatic IO Updates: Adjunctive Procedures
E. Knavel, C. Bailey, J. Swietlik
Subcodes: VI, GI
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will review various imaging applications of ultrasound beyond the general ultrasound. Topics include utilization of US in musculoskeletal imaging, interventional procedures, and advantages of contrast-enhanced ultrasound with emphasis on opportunities. Current challenges of each of these ultrasound applications will also be discussed.

S. Allison  New Horizons in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
B. Foster  US-Guided Procedures- You Can Do It Too
J. Pellerito  Clinical Problem Solving with CEUS
S. Allison, B. Foster, J. Pellerito
Subcodes: US, BI, MK, VI
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will focus on specific, current issues in Radiology Quality & Safety

L. Donnelly  Event-Based Learning and Improvement
S. Waite  The Evolving Role of the Radiologist in the Era of AI
M. Bruno  Appropriate Use vs. Waste in Radiology
L. Donnelly, S. Waite, M. Bruno
Subcodes: QI, PS, SO, ML
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review tumors of different spaces: Orbit, sinus, and temporal bone.

M. Hagiwara  Orbital Tumors: Radiology-Pathology Correlation
C. Glastonbury  Sinonasal Tumors
A. Juliano  Temporal Bone Tumors
M. Hagiwara, C. Glastonbury, A. Juliano
Subcodes: NR, CT, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This review course includes didactic sessions on renal mass imaging with the MRI clear cell likelihood score and endometriosis, and case review sessions on renal/adrenal imaging, female GU imaging, and male GU imaging.

A. Shetty  Renal Mass Imaging With the MRI Clear Cell Likelihood Score
K. Patel-Lippmann  Female GU
M. Zulfiqar  Male GU
A. Shetty   Renal/Adrenal
W. VanBuren  Imaging of Endometriosis
A. Shetty, K. Patel-Lippmann, M. Zulfiqar, W. VanBuren
Subcodes: GU, CT, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
Y. Ng  Artificial Intelligence
C. Wu  Artificial Intelligence
M. Succi  How Hospitals Can Work with Their Own Homegrown Innovations to Develop Digital and AI Tools
M. Davis  Driving the Conversation: Opportunities and Challenges in AI and Radiology
Y. Ng, C. Wu, M. Succi, M. Davis
Subcodes: AI
Credits: 1.5 CME
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
7:00 AM — 8:00 AM
A. Rubinowitz  Cardiopulmonary Imaging
A. Rubinowitz
Subcodes: CA, CH
Credits: 1 CME
D. Katz  General/Emergency Radiology
D. Katz
Subcodes: GN, ER
Credits: 1 CME
R. Nicola  Roentgen's Key Case Challenge Case Presentations Session 2
R. Nicola
Subcodes: GI, GU, VI
Credits: 1 CME
A. Taher  Safety and efficacy of Zilretta administered to patients with Greater Trochanteric Bursitis
H. Haver  Large language models to assist breast imaging reporting: A comparison of GPT-3.5 versus GPT-4 in assigning BI-RADS final assessment categories
M. Hosseiny  Multi-Task Ensemble Deep Learning for Differential Diagnosis of Pneumonia and Pulmonary Edema on Chest Radiograph
J. Wen  Alpha-Fetoprotein Response Patterns after Y-90 Radioembolization for Intermediate-to-Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Predicts Disease Progression and Survival
P. Costello, A. Taher, H. Haver, M. Hosseiny, J. Wen
Subcodes: MK, CH, BR, GI
Credits: 1 CME
7:30 AM — 9:30 AM
E. Wu  Cardiac, Thoracic, Abdominal and Education
M. Petranovic  Lung Cancer Screening and Biomarkers
R. Hossain  Cardiac, Thoracic, Abdominal and Education
E. Wu, R. Hossain, M. Petranovic
Subcodes: CA, CH, GI, ED
Credits: 2 CME
8:30 AM — 10:00 AM
Chest radiograph experts will present pearls and pitfalls in the interpretation of chest radiographs, cardiac devices, and the use of dual energy chest radiographs.

G. Abbott  Challenging Chest Radiographs
S. Agarwal  Focal Lung Disease Interpretation
T. Bang  A Primer for Cardiac Devices
G. Abbott, S. Agarwal, T. Bang
Subcodes: CH, GN
Credits: 1.5 CME
GI/GU gurus will present a variety of challenging unknown abdominal cases.

C. Menias  Challenging Abdominal Cases
P. Pickhardt (2002 Figley Fellow)  Challenging Abdominal Cases
M. Sugi  Challenging Abdominal Cases
C. Menias, P. Pickhardt (2002 Figley Fellow), M. Sugi
Subcodes: GI, GU
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will systematically review ultrasound evaluation of the most important structures in the neck, including but not limited to thyroid/parathyroid, parotid and salivary glands, anatomic anomalies, and Doppler imaging of the neck circulation with specific emphasis on Carotid Doppler with emerging new criteria for internal carotid artery stenosis.

R. Khot  US of Thyroid and Parathyroid Gland
J. Wagner  Neck Ultrasound: Salivary Glands and Anatomical Variants
C. Deurdulian  Ultrasound Evaluation of the Neck Circulation
R. Khot, J. Wagner, C. Deurdulian
Subcodes: US, HN, VI, US
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review imaging findings in penile, scrotal, and OB/GYN emergencies, as well as dual-energy CT applications in GU emergencies.

M. Kobi  Imaging Penile and Scrotal Emergencies
J. Uyeda  Dual Energy Applications in Emergency GU Imaging
S. Bahrami  Imaging of OB/GYN Emergencies
M. Kobi, J. Uyeda, S. Bahrami
Subcodes: US, CT, GU, OB
Credits: 1.5 CME
N. Subhas  How Do We Measure Value in Radiology?
O. Ashikyan  Musculoskeletal Imaging - Miscellaneous
A. Chhabra  Hip Impingements: Pre- and Post-Operative
N. Subhas, O. Ashikyan, A. Chhabra
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
B. Kapoor  Percutaneous Liver Ablation: State of the Art
J. Lorenz  VI: Interventional Techniques and Studies
R. Arellano  Percutaneous Management of Benign Biliary Strictures: Current Concepts
B. Kapoor, J. Lorenz, R. Arellano
Subcodes: VI
Credits: 1.5 CME
9:30 AM — 10:30 AM
Enjoy a complimentary beverage in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
10:30 AM — 12:00 PM
This session will review how to perform high quality MR and US nerve imaging and discuss commonly encountered nerve pathology. Topics will include MR imaging of the brachial and lumbosacral plexus, MR and US imaging of peripheral neuropathies, and helpful tips to distinguishing benign and malignant nerve tumors.

A. Chhabra  Brachial and Lumbosacral Plexus MRI
S. Ahlawat  Peripheral Nerve MRI
K. Lee  Peripheral Nerve US
L. Fayad  Benign vs Malignant Nerve Tumors
A. Chhabra, S. Ahlawat, K. Lee, L. Fayad
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will provide an up-to-date review of pediatric thoracic disorders.

M. Liszewski  Neonatal Chest Imaging: What Radiologists Need to Know
A. Winant  Lines and Tubes: Updates and Review for General Radiologists
E. Lee  Pediatric Thoracic Neoplasms: Top Ten Diagnoses
M. Liszewski, A. Winant, E. Lee
Subcodes: PD, CH, CT, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will concentrate on the role of imaging in cardiomyopathy, with particular emphasis on modern imaging techniques and their clinical importance.

M. Cham  Infiltrative Cardiomyopathy
R. Hossain  Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
K. Hanneman  Myocardial Mapping
M. Cham, R. Hossain, K. Hanneman
Subcodes: CA, CT, MR, PT
Credits: 1.5 CME
Presentations will review multi-modality molecular imaging of infection/inflammation, including PET/CT and gamma, camera imaging. The course will include detailed review with case examples of sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, vasculitis, and whole body infection/inflammation.

E. Akin  Molecular Imaging and PET-CT of Large Vessel Vasculitis
R. Zeman  Correlative Imaging of Infiltrative and Inflammatory Diseases of the Heart
E. Rohren  FDG-PET/CT Imaging: Navigating the Pitfalls of Inflammation
E. Akin, R. Zeman, E. Rohren
Subcodes: NM, MI, PT, CA
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will cover rapid fire cases of brain, spine and head and neck emergencies

M. Hagiwara  Imaging of Acute Facial Swelling
J. Nickerson  Rapid Fire Cases - Brain
M. Hagiwara  Rapid Fire Cases - Head and Neck
J. McCarty  Rapid Fire Cases - Spine
K. Reinshagen  Imaging of Orbital Trauma
M. Hagiwara, J. Nickerson, J. McCarty, K. Reinshagen
Subcodes: NR, HN, ER
Credits: 1.5 CME
M. Durand  Breast Imaging: Digital BR Tomosynthesis and Quality Improvement
S. Yoon  Breast Imaging: Digital BR Tomosynthesis and Quality Improvement
L. Wang  Optimizing Workflow with Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
R. Wahab  Human Center Design Thinking Approach to Breast Imaging Reports
M. Durand, S. Yoon, L. Wang, R. Wahab
Subcodes: BR
Credits: 1.5 CME
12:00 PM — 1:00 PM
Enjoy a complimentary lunch in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
1:30 PM — 3:00 PM
This session will review the radiographic, CT and/or MRI appearance of inflammatory arthritis in the bones, muscles and joints and provide tips to help distinguish this from degenerative, traumatic, and infectious etiologies that can often be a diagnostic dilemma.

S. Smith (2004 Figley Fellow)  Joints: Inflammatory Arthritis or Not?
L. Waldman  Bones: Inflammatory Osteitis or Not?
R. Boutin  Muscles: Inflammatory Myositis or Not?
S. Smith (2004 Figley Fellow), L. Waldman, R. Boutin
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will focus on proposed updates for mammography, ultrasound, MRI, and auditing and outcomes monitoring in the next edition of the Breast Imaging Data and Reporting System (BI-RADS) Atlas.

S. Friedewald  Mammography
J. Leung (2004 ARRS Scholar)  Breast Ultrasound
R. Strigel  Breast MRI
P. Eby (2007 ARRS Scholar)  Auditing and Outcomes Monitoring
S. Friedewald, J. Leung (2004 ARRS Scholar), R. Strigel, P. Eby (2007 ARRS Scholar)
Subcodes: BR, MO, US, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will explore the basic toolkit of Radiology Quality & Safety and provide an exemplary case study.

M. Bruno  Basic Definitions in Q&S, Graphic Methods and Lean/Six Sigma
N. Kadom  KPI's, Checklists and Just Culture
B. Siewert (2013 Berlin Scholar)  Using the Q&S Toolkit to Address the Problem of Emotional Harms in Radiology
M. Bruno, N. Kadom, B. Siewert (2013 Berlin Scholar)
Subcodes: QI, PS, HP
Credits: 1.5 CME
Both diffuse and focal liver diseases will be discussed, focusing on modern techniques for diffuse liver disease and updates in diagnosis of focal liver lesions

A. Tang  Quantitative Liver MRI for the Practicing Radiologist
V. Chernyak  Challenging Liver Cases: LI-RADS and Beyond
M. Yano  Cholangiocarcinoma: Staging and Diagnosis
A. Tang, V. Chernyak, M. Yano
Subcodes: GI
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course is designed for practicing radiologists, residents, and fellows to review common, uncommon, and complex abnormalities and associated latest updates.

H. Bello  Exceptions to TIRADS - What You Need to Know
C. Deurdulian  Vascular Variety Show
D. Oppenheimer  Transplant Imaging
H. Bello  Challenging US Cases - Helpful Tips to Navigate
M. Melany  Nonemergent Evaluation of the Uterus and Endometrium
H. Bello, C. Deurdulian, D. Oppenheimer, M. Melany
Subcodes: US, HN, GU, GN
Credits: 1.5 CME
C. Glastonbury  Neuroradiology
J. Nickerson  Neuroradiology
A. Juliano  Navigating the Labyrinth
C. De Alencastr Guimaraes  Genotype/Phenotype Correlation in Cerebral Malformations
C. Glastonbury, J. Nickerson, A. Juliano, C. De Alencastr Guimaraes
Subcodes: NR
Credits: 1.5 CME
J. Kempf  Interesting and Challenging PET Cases
F. Grant  PET/MRI Pediatric Applications in 2024
J. Kempf, F. Grant
Subcodes: NM
Credits: 1.5 CME
3:00 PM — 3:30 PM
Enjoy a complimentary beverage in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
3:30 PM — 5:00 PM
This course will review challenging adrenal and renal cases and discuss pitfalls in prostate and female pelvic MRI.

C. Hackett  Challenging Adrenal Masses
D. Souza  Challenging Renal Masses
D. Margolis  PIRADS Pitfalls and Artifacts
A. Luna  Pitfalls in Female Pelvic MRI
C. Hackett, D. Souza, D. Margolis, A. Luna
Subcodes: MR, GU
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will provide a tutorial for ultrasound evaluation of the parenchymal and vascular pathologies of the kidneys, liver cirrhosis, with emphasis on HCC detection, portal hypertension and liver elastography for assessment of liver fibrosis, as well as discussion of vascular complications of organ transplants

J. Pellerito  Role of Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Renal Disease
M. Revzin  Role of Ultrasound in Evaluation of Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension
S. Sheth  Ultrasound of Vascular Complications of Hepatic, Renal, and Pancreas Transplants
J. Pellerito, M. Revzin, S. Sheth
Subcodes: US, GU, GI, ER
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review common imaging algorithms for various patient presentations.

J. Gadde  Sacral Dimple
D. Martin  Unilateral Proptosis
C. Robson  Congenital Hearing Loss
G. Salama  Postural Headache
J. Gadde, D. Martin, C. Robson, G. Salama
Subcodes: NR, CT, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
H. Garner  Imaging of Fracture Fixation Hardware
C. Chang  Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Mimics
M. Jesse  MSK and Spine Procedure Complications
E. Alaia  Rapid Fire Cases - Arthritis
H. Garner  Imaging Evaluation of Healing vs Nonhealing Fractures
H. Garner, C. Chang, M. Jesse, E. Alaia
Subcodes: MK, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
S. Spence  System-Level Interventions: Considerations for 2024
L. Belfi  System-Level Interventions: Sustaining Program Faculty
S. Spence, L. Belfi
Subcodes: ED
Credits: 1.5 CME
S. Ghosh  Thoracic Imaging
S. Pipavath  Thoracic Imaging
D. Baruah  Key Changes to Lung RADS v1.1 to v2022 and Their Real-World Implications
C. Walker  Intra-Thoracic Lymphatic Drainage and Mediastinal Evaluation
S. Ghosh, S. Pipavath, D. Baruah, C. Walker
Subcodes: CH
Credits: 1.5 CME
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
7:00 AM — 8:00 AM
S. Galgano (2022 Figley Fellow)  Gastrointestinal Imaging
S. Galgano (2022 Figley Fellow)
Subcodes: GI
Credits: 1 CME
A. Tomasian  Musculoskeletal Imaging
A. Tomasian
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1 CME
S. Mukherji (1998 Figley Fellow)  Neuroradiology
S. Mukherji (1998 Figley Fellow)
Subcodes: NR
Credits: 1 CME
M. Parker  Roentgen's Key Case Challenge Case Presentations Session 3
M. Parker
Subcodes: PD, NM, NR, MK
Credits: 1 CME
7:30 AM — 9:30 AM
B. Levine  Musculoskeletal and Vascular/Interventional Radiology
V. Kalia  New Frontiers in Musculoskeletal Imaging
C. Wu  ERS Awards
M. Parker  ERS Awards
B. Levine, V. Kalia, C. Wu, M. Parker
Subcodes: MK, VI
Credits: 2 CME
8:30 AM — 10:00 AM
This course reviews important pulmonary emergencies, including infections, pulmonary embolism, and emergency scenarios in oncological and transplant patients.

E. Tsai  Atypical Pulmonary Infection
R. Agrawal  Non-Infectious Treatment Related Pulmonary Oncological Emergencies
C. Javidan-Nejad  Current Imaging in Pulmonary Embolism
S. Kim  Complications in Lung Transplant Patients
E. Tsai, R. Agrawal, C. Javidan-Nejad, S. Kim
Subcodes: CH, CT, ER
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will review commonly missed diagnoses in the setting of upper extremity trauma including radiographically occult bony injuries and challenging soft tissue injuries in adults and children.

H. Garner  Elbow/Wrist/Hand Trauma
M. Kumaravel  Chest/Shoulder Trauma
V. Kalia  Pediatric Upper Extremity Trauma
H. Garner, M. Kumaravel, V. Kalia
Subcodes: MK, ER
Credits: 1.5 CME
In this session, ABR leaders will discuss various aspects of why Board Certification is important in 2024, the new remote exam models, an update on Online Longitudinal Assessment (OLA), and frequently asked questions regarding ABR finances. Attendees will gain a greater understanding of ABR processes and requirements.

D. Morgan  Alignment of Form and Function for the New Diagnostic Radiology Oral Exam
D. Flemming  Overlapping Roles of Residency Training Programs and the ABR
B. Wagner  How ABR Continuing Certification Relates to the Social Contract
D. Morgan, D. Flemming, B. Wagner
Subcodes: OT
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will discuss trauma imaging of the abdomen and lower body.

C. LeBedis  Splenic Trauma
V. Mellnick  Bowel and Mesenteric Injury
C. Flink  Penile Trauma: Fracture and Beyond
O. Kanu  Lower Extremity Trauma: Don't Miss Injuries
C. LeBedis, V. Mellnick, C. Flink, O. Kanu
Subcodes: ER
Credits: 1.5 CME
M. Lubner (2018 Figley Fellow)  Gastrointestinal Imaging: Abdominal AI and Opportunistic Screening
D. Katz  Gastrointestinal Imaging: Abdominal AI and Opportunistic Screening
B. Patel  Artificial Intelligence in the Abdomen
P. Pickhardt (2002 Figley Fellow)  Opportunistic Screening
M. Lubner (2018 Figley Fellow), D. Katz, B. Patel, P. Pickhardt (2002 Figley Fellow)
Subcodes: GI
Credits: 1.5 CME
M. Mathur  GU: Male Pelvis/Urinary Imaging
E. Remer  GU: Male Pelvis/Urinary Imaging
D. Margolis  Prostate-of-the-Art
S. Verma  Review of Pitfalls in Prostate MRI
M. Mathur, E. Remer, D. Margolis, S. Verma
Subcodes: GU
Credits: 1.5 CME
9:30 AM — 10:30 AM
Enjoy a complimentary beverage in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
10:30 AM — 12:00 PM
Challenging and interesting cases throughout the GI tract and mesentery will be used to highlight pitfalls and teaching points for common and uncommon pathologies.

S. Sheedy  Small Bowel Pathology: Interesting, Challenging, and Sometimes Weird
J. Fried  Don't Forget the Mesentery
B. Wildman-Tobriner  Misses and Misdiagnoses in the Colon
S. Sheedy, J. Fried, B. Wildman-Tobriner
Subcodes: GI
Credits: 1.5 CME
Contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) is increasingly utilized within breast imaging practices. This course will focus on indications for CEM, exam interpretation and reporting using the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) CEM Supplement, and methods for image-guided biopsy of CEM-detected findings.

J. Phillips  Contrast Enhanced Mammography: Current and Future Indications
J. Sung  Interpretation and Reporting: BI-RADS CEM
M. Zuley  Image-Guided Biopsy of CEM Findings
J. Phillips, J. Sung, M. Zuley
Subcodes: BR, MO, BI
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review intracranial vascular diseases and their presentation, as well as post treatment appearance.

D. Mandell  Vasculitis
H. Baradaran  Stroke Code
M. Martinez  Aneurysms and Post-treatment Appearance
E. Bonfante  Venous disease
D. Mandell, H. Baradaran, M. Martinez, E. Bonfante
Subcodes: NR, VI, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will review the normal postoperative appearance and common postoperative complications associated with rotator cuff and glenoid labral surgery in the shoulder, meniscus and ACL surgery in the knee and femoroacetabular impingement surgery in the hip.

S. Gyftopoulos  Post-Op Rotator Cuff and Glenoid Labrum
C. White  Post-Op ACL
B. Levine  Post-Op Meniscus
M. Samim  Post-Op FAI
S. Gyftopoulos, C. White, B. Levine, M. Samim
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
The learner will understand BI-RADS 6th edition and learn about imaging appearance and pathologies of the breast among the transgender population. The learners will accurately categorize cystic lesions of the breast as benign, review the appearance and associated diagnoses of non-mass enhancement at breast MRI, and understand the basic principles and indications for contrast-enhanced mammography.

H. Ojeda-Fournier  BI-RADS 6th ed. Changes
M. Patel  Cystic Lesions of the Breast
S. Fazeli Dehkordy  Contrast Enhanced Mammography
Y. Feliciano  Non-mass Enhancement at Breast MRI
H. Ojeda-Fournier  Transgender Imaging
H. Ojeda-Fournier, M. Patel, S. Fazeli Dehkordy, Y. Feliciano
Subcodes: BR, BI, DM, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
V. Lenge De Rosen  Pros and Cons of Radiology Resident Education in the Advanced Technology Era
M. Succi  Program/Department-Level Interventions – Considerations for 2024
V. Lenge De Rosen, M. Succi
Subcodes: ED
Credits: 1.5 CME
12:00 PM — 1:00 PM
Enjoy a complimentary lunch in the Connection Quad and network with exhibitors.
1:30 PM — 3:00 PM
This session reviews most commonly accepted ultrasound concepts in the evaluation of the first trimester, discusses ultrasound-based risk stratification of the adnexal lesions, and reviews characteristic ultrasound features of adenomyosis.

C. Phillips  Normal and Abnormal US Findings in Early First Trimester Pregnancy
M. Feldman  Ultrasound ORADS One-on-One
M. Horrow  Ultrasound of Adenomyosis
C. Phillips, M. Feldman, M. Horrow
Subcodes: US, GU, OB, ER
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will focus on key updates in coronary artery disease and thoracic vascular imaging.

S. Abbara  CAD-RADS in Clinical Practice
B. Ghoshhajra  Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
S. Patel  Coronary Arteries: Beyond Atherosclerosis
S. Malik  MR Angiography of the Chest
S. Abbara, B. Ghoshhajra, S. Patel, S. Malik
Subcodes: CA, CT, MR, OT
Credits: 1.5 CME
Presentations in this session will share new and advanced MSK interventions, including spine and non-spine interventions, and safety precautions and review bone tumor imaging.

M. Cristescu  Advanced MSK Interventions Pt. 1
B. Key  Advanced MSK Procedures
M. Jesse  Advanced MSK Interventions Pt. 2
M. Cristescu, B. Key, M. Jesse
Subcodes: MK, VI
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review challenging urinary tract cases, urethral imaging, and PIRADS pearls.

L. Luk  Challenging Urinary Tract Cases
A. Sekhar  Urethral Imaging
H. Shaish  PIRADS Pearls: Dos and Don'ts
L. Luk, A. Sekhar, H. Shaish
Subcodes: GU, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course reviews a variety of nuclear medicine studies utilized in the acute care setting. Experts will provide tips & tricks to optimize image acquisition and interpretation, as well as problem-solving strategies for challenging cases encountered in clinical practice.

S. Elman  Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy: How to Interpret HIDA Scans Like a Pro
M. Mercer  Avoid the Headaches with Nuclear Brain Imaging in the Acute Setting
F. Behnia  "Hot" Cases from the ER
S. Elman, M. Mercer, F. Behnia
Subcodes: NM, ER, GN
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review imaging in the neonatal and infant period, emphasizing common imaging examinations and important findings in this vulnerable patient group

A. Trout  Radiography in the NICU
J. Choi  Imaging of the Neonatal and Infant Brain
S. Lala  Congenital Lung Lesions and Other Neonatal/Infant Lung Disease
J. Kucera  Neonatal and Infant Bowel Fluoroscopy
A. Trout  Imaging of VUR and GU Obstruction
A. Trout, J. Choi, S. Lala, J. Kucera
Subcodes: PD, RF, GN, NR
Credits: 1.5 CME
C. Flink  Emergency/General Radiology
C. Dupuis  Emergency/General Radiology
A. Sodickson  Photon-Counting CT in the ED
M. Davis  The Pros and Cons: Bias in Artificial Intelligence
C. Flink, C. Dupuis, A. Sodickson, M. Davis
Subcodes: ER, GN
Credits: 1.5 CME
3:00 PM — 3:30 PM
Afternoon Beverage Break
3:30 PM — 5:00 PM
This course will review image-guided gynecologic interventions as well as imaging of gender affirming and pelvic floor surgeries.

O. Brook  Gynecologic Interventions for Body Radiologists
M. Flory  Imaging of Gender Affirming Surgery
G. Khatri  Imaging Pelvic Floor Surgery
O. Brook, M. Flory, G. Khatri
Subcodes: OB, VI, MR, GU
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will provide up-to-date imaging review of pediatric abdomen and pelvis disorders.

N. Hull  Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders: What to Know in Emergency
D. Frush  Pediatric Pancreatic Disorders: Practical Multi-Imaging Modality Approach
S. Simoneaux  Pediatric Testicular and Ovarian Disorders: 101 for General Radiologists
N. Hull, D. Frush, S. Simoneaux
Subcodes: PD, GI, GU, GN
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will include discussion and review of advanced and upcoming topics in abdominal imaging including AI, photon counting CT, and others.

B. Patel  AI in Abdominal Imaging: Past, Present, and Future
B. Dane  Photon Counting CT in Abdominal Imaging: Current Practices and Future Directions
G. Toia  Advanced Imaging in the Abdomen: A Review of the Abdominal Imaging Toolkit
B. Patel, B. Dane, G. Toia
Subcodes: AI, GU, GI
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will review several challenging situations in musculoskeletal tumor imaging including how to perform and interpret whole body MRI and CT, how to interpret and recommend appropriate follow up for incidental bone lesions, how to distinguish normal red marrow from marrow replacing processes and how to approach postoperative imaging after tumor resection.

B. Amini  Whole Body MRI and CT
J. Wu  Incidental Bone Lesions
H. Ilaslan  Red Marrow or Tumor?
M. Murphey  Post Op Recurrence or not?
B. Amini, J. Wu, H. Ilaslan, M. Murphey
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review lesions that may be confused for intracranial tumors and imaging findings that can help refine the differential diagnosis.

A. Jay  Toxic / Metabolic Disease
M. Kwofie  Intracranial Infections
K. Seifert  Noninfectious Inflammatory Conditions
A. Jay, M. Kwofie, K. Seifert
Subcodes: NR, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will provide didactic and case base reviews covering fundamental concepts in cardiac MR, cardiac CT, and cardiovascular imaging.

B. Allen (2022 ARRS Scholar)  Aortic Disease Evaluation: Imaging Approach and Reporting Strategies
L. Jimenez-Juan  Cardiac MRI
A. Bader  Cardiac CT
J. Stojanovska (2015 Figley Fellow)  Rapid Fire Case Review - Cardiovascular Imaging
B. Allen (2022 ARRS Scholar)  Coronary Plaque Imaging: Is the Future Now?
B. Allen (2022 ARRS Scholar), L. Jimenez-Juan, A. Bader, J. Stojanovska (2015 Figley Fellow)
Subcodes: CA
Credits: 1.5 CME
R. Yadav  Thoracic Imaging
T. Henry  Thoracic Imaging
J. Chung  Deciphering Imaging Signs in Interstitial Lung Disease: Data-Driven Analysis vs. Heuristic Methods
L. Chelala  From Numbers to Knowledge: Evaluating Evidence on Interstitial Lung Abnormalities (ILA)
R. Yadav, T. Henry, J. Chung, L. Chelala
Subcodes: CH
Credits: 1.5 CME
Thursday, May 9, 2024
7:00 AM — 8:00 AM
J. Kwak  Nuclear Medicine and Pediatric Imaging
J. Kwak
Subcodes: NM, PD
Credits: 1 CME
S. Verma  Genitourinary Imaging
S. Verma
Subcodes: GU
Credits: 1 CME
8:30 AM — 10:00 AM
This course will provide updates on lung cancer staging, as well as discussion of the evaluation of patients following treatment including targeted therapy, surgery and percutaneous diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

M. Truong  Lung Cancer - 2024 Staging Update
M. Nishino Hatabu  Imaging patients after Lung Cancer Targeted Therapy
K. Ahrar  Update on Percutaneous Diagnosis and Therapy in Lung Malignancy
G. Shroff  Postop Imaging after Thoracic Surgery Variations
M. Truong, M. Nishino Hatabu, K. Ahrar, G. Shroff
Subcodes: CH, CT, BI, VI
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will focus on trending topics in emergency imaging, including artificial intelligence, intimate partner violence, and DECT applications.

M. Davis  Charging Into the Future: The Impact of AI/ML on Emergency Imaging
E. Sun  Imaging Findings of Intimate Partner Violence
W. Abdellatif  DECT Applications in Emergency Radiology
M. Davis, E. Sun, W. Abdellatif
Subcodes: ER
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will focus on screening women with dense breasts, including discussion of breast density and cancer risk, the effect of breast density legislation on breast cancer screening, supplemental screening modalities in women with dense breasts, and the role of radiologists in breast density education.

R. Miles  Breast Density and Cancer Risk
L. Wang  Supplemental Screening in Women with Dense Breasts
A. Lee  Effect of Breast Density Legislation on Breast Cancer Screening
R. Wahab  Bridging the Gap in Breast Density Knowledge: Radiologists as Patient Educators
R. Miles, L. Wang, A. Lee, R. Wahab
Subcodes: BR, MO, US, MR
Credits: 1.5 CME
This session will provide an update on how to perform, interpret and report preoperative and postoperative MRI of the ankle, midfoot and forefoot.

M. Mills  MR Ankle Pain
H. Umans  MR Midfoot/Forefoot Pain
M. Jesse  Postoperative Ankle and Foot
M. Mills, H. Umans, M. Jesse
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
C. Shah  PSMA Imaging
D. Surasi   PET Oncology
I. Dalal  Cardiac, GI, GU and Neuroendocrine
J. Peacock  Non-Oncologic PET and MSK
C. Shah  PSMA Based Therapy
C. Shah, D. Surasi, I. Dalal, J. Peacock
Subcodes: NM, MI
Credits: 1.5 CME
R. Charalel  Early HCC Outcomes in US and Opportunities for Improvement
M. Niemeyer  Dosimetry in HCC: Implementing Personalized Dosimetry in a Clinical Practice
R. Charalel, M. Niemeyer
Subcodes: VI
Credits: 1.5 CME
R. Nicola  GU: Female Pelvis/Endocrine
R. Scalabrino  GU: Female Pelvis/Endocrine
G. Khatri  MR Defecography: A Dynamic Overview
D. Richman  Clinical Applications and Challenges of ACR TI-RADS in Practice
R. Nicola, R. Scalabrino, G. Khatri, D. Richman
Subcodes: GU
Credits: 1.5 CME
9:30 AM — 10:30 AM
Morning Beverage Break
10:30 AM — 12:00 PM
This session will provide presentation on a variety of topics pertaining to the acute abdomen will be discussed.

K. Kalisz  Cardiovascular Findings in Abdominal Imaging
D. Katz  Pitfalls for Imaging of the Acute Abdomen
J. Uyeda  Imaging of Acute Biliary and Pancreatic Pathology
K. Kalisz, D. Katz, J. Uyeda
Subcodes: GI, GU, GN
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will focus on cardiac imaging findings in the acute setting.

E. Nguyen  Intracardiac Thrombus
J. Stojanovska (2015 Figley Fellow)  CMR in Patients with COVID-19
F. Dako  Left Ventricular Assist Devices
D. Jeong  Cardiac Complications in Patients with Cancer
E. Nguyen, J. Stojanovska (2015 Figley Fellow), F. Dako, D. Jeong
Subcodes: CA, CT, MR, OT
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course will review imaging evaluation of retroperitoneal flow disorders: including Nutcracker syndrome, Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome, and pelvic venous insufficiency. Endovascular and surgical management options will also be discussed.

M. Lee  Diagnostic Evaluation of Nutcracker and Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome
J. Pinchot  Endovascular and Surgical Management of Nutcracker Syndrome
M. Neisen  Pelvic Venous Insufficiency
M. Lee, J. Pinchot, M. Neisen
Subcodes: VI, GU, CT
Credits: 1.5 CME
This course evaluates the detection and characterization of lung nodules, including challenges in screening categorization but also pitfalls in nodule interpretation and the early accurate detection of lung cancer.

J. Ko  Pitfalls in Nodule Assessment
J. Christensen  Challenges in Lung-RADS Application
J. Shepard  Atypical Manifestations of Lung Cancer
J. Ko, J. Christensen, J. Shepard
Subcodes: CH, CT
Credits: 1.5 CME
Arterial, venous, and interventional oncology cases as well as didactic lectures on women’s health interventions and prostate artery embolization

C. Bailey  Biliary Interventions
E. Aaltonen  Arterial Cases
A. Desai  Venous Cases
E. Aaltonen  Interventional Oncology
N. Parikh  Treatment of Prostate Cancer with PAE
C. Bailey, E. Aaltonen, A. Desai, N. Parikh
Subcodes: VI
Credits: 1.5 CME
G. Riley  Musculoskeletal Imaging: Tumors and Infection
J. Bencardino  Musculoskeletal Imaging - Tumors and Infection
M. Murphey  Imaging Differentiation of Soft Tissue Myxoma and Myxoid Malignancies
C. Simpfendorfer  Septic Arthritis: The Muscle is an Innocent Bystander
G. Riley, J. Bencardino, M. Murphey, C. Simpfendorfer
Subcodes: MK
Credits: 1.5 CME
J. Gadde  Neuroradiology
J. Bapuraj  Neuroradiology
T. Poussaint  Bridging the Gender Gap in Neuroradiology
N. Yahyavi  Artificial Intelligence and Health Equity
J. Gadde, J. Bapuraj, T. Poussaint, N. Yahyavi
Subcodes: NR
Credits: 1.5 CME

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