Increase Your Brand Visibility

Use these opportunities to increase your visibility and reach up to 3,000 Radiology Professionals worldwide.

Meeting Preparation Email: $2,000
One week prior to the meeting, in-person and virtual registrants receive an email with important information to prepare for the meeting. With an over 75% open rate, this makes this an excellent means to reach an engaged audience with your message.

Banner advertisements
(468 x 60) are available for $2,000 on meeting portal.

On-Site Emails: $3,000
In-person registrants receive daily emails from ARRS with meeting updates and announcements. More than 65% of attendees open these daily emails, making this the ideal way to reach registrants participating in the meeting.

In-Person Lunch Symposium – $35,000

Limited Opportunities

Host an In-Person Symposium in San Diego with live streaming and one-year on demand access.

Sponsor a one-hour Lunch Symposium during the ARRS 2025 Meeting to feature technology, educational content, and the speakers of your choice. ARRS will provide meeting space, a standard AV set, signage outside the room the day of the session, and a boxed lunch for up to 200 registrants. ARRS will live stream the presentation and make it available on demand for all meeting registrants (in-person and virtual) through the Meeting Portal until May 1, 2026.

One In-Person Sponsored Lunch Symposium is available daily at the San Diego Marriott Marina as indicated below.

  • Sunday, April 27, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – SOLD
  • Monday, April 28, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – SOLD
  • Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – SOLD
  • Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

As the sponsor of a Lunch Symposium, you will receive:

  • A one-time use list of postal addresses (United States only) for those pre-registered for the meeting
  • Recognition in one meeting preparation email sent by ARRS
  • Recognition in one email distributed during the week of the meeting by ARRS
  • Recognition in the Meeting Portal
  • Recognition on meeting signage
Note: Sponsored Symposium are not part of the ARRS CME Program, therefore no CME is issued by ARRS.

On-Demand Lunch Symposium – $30,000

Present a Virtual Symposium with one-year on-demand access

Present a one-hour Sponsored Virtual Symposium as part of the ARRS 2025 Meeting to feature technology, educational content, and the speakers of your choice. ARRS will make the pre-recorded presentation available on-demand for all meeting registrants (in-person and virtual) through the Meeting Portal until May 1, 2026.

As the sponsor of a Virtual Lunch Symposium, you will receive:

  • A one-time use list of postal addresses (United States only) for those pre-registered for the meeting
  • Recognition in one meeting preparation email sent by ARRS
  • Recognition in one email distributed during the week of the meeting by ARRS
  • Recognition in the Meeting Portal

Note: Virtual Sponsored Symposium are not part of the ARRS CME Program, therefore no CME is issued by ARRS.

Bonus Option/Symposium Upgrade: $10,000

Upgrade to extend the visibility of your sponsorship beyond the ARRS Annual Meeting, when we can offer your symposium to all ARRS members. In addition, the ARRS InPractice content team can work with you directly to craft compelling editorial messaging and visual assets for our Annual Meeting recap, featured in the Summer print edition of InPractice magazine—mailed to the entire ARRS membership.